Monday, June 21


so i succumbed to picking up a murakami. i told myself not to.. like how i told myself not to read Prozac Nation, Virgin Suicides (that's exceptional it's kinda ranked like a 'modern classic' right) and the Twilight series im sorry. well i cannot undermine the appeal murakami has, or any asian writer azn pride! well maybe why i like asian writing is because i never had to scrutinise the work of an asian writer and dissect it brutally and dehumanise its worth like how we do in literature. oh literature how you taught me how to dehumanise humans, how to treat my emotions like they were tangible and disposable and how to simply get myself all fucked up. So back to murakami, I took out South of the something in the bus (Yep Im halfway through the book but I cant seem to memorise the title) and there i read about how Izumi was giving the protagonist a blowjob and hoping the boy beside me wasnt peering. like how I read Fanny hill on the train, never finished reading that cuz its literotica only played out in archaic english. if there weren't books, i wouldn't think as much and go about fucking shit up